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[spectrum: lgbtqia+ short play festival]

In its seventh season, Funky Little Theater Company is proud to announce the return of our annual playwriting festival, [spectrum: lgbtqia+ new play festival]. Our fourth excursion with [spectrum] will be produced in a virtual manner for the first time ever. Each play selected will be fully produced, recorded and streamed in Spring 2021 from our home at Funky Little Theater Company in Colorado Springs, CO.


  • Funky is looking for talented and creative playwrights from all around the world to participate in this festival. Plays should be one-acts focusing on issues surrounding, embracing or showcasing individuals of the LGBT community.

  • There is no submission fee for [spectrum: lgbt new play festival] BUT we would love for you to consider donating to our only 2020 fundraiser, IndyGive! Minimum donation is $10 and don't forget the birth year because we get an bonus donation if we tally the most young donors under 36. We love all our playwrights equally but this campaign especially focuses on promoting philanthropy in young people. We lost our venue this year and have a new home at the Westside Community Center. Help the little guys out? Donate at #bonuspoints 


  • Guidelines for submissions:

    • A selected committee and Funky company members will be reading and evaluating each submission. There will be three rounds of elimination before selection.

    • Playwrights should be 16 years or older as of submission deadline.

    • Each script should be one act, ideally one set and no more than five actors. Keep in mind this is going to be produced in a (hopefully) mid-to-post pandemic situation.

    • Ideal length is 10 minutes but submissions should not exceed 15 minutes in length.

    • All scripts should be typed and organized in a professional script format (page numbers, title page, correct spacing, etc) and as a Word Document (docx) or PDF. Please ensure all contact information is part of your script.

    • Include your name, mailing address, contact number, and the play title in the body of the email and attach the script to the email. Please include production history for your play, if any. 

    • Email your play by Saturday, January 2, 2021 at midnight MST to: SUBJECT LINE: Spectrum Submission YOUR LAST NAME

    • Selected playwrights will be notified via email no later than February, 4, 2021 at midnight MST.

    • No more than three (3) submissions per playwright are accepted.

  • Lodging and travel expenses are not available at this time.

  • One play will be selected as “Festival Favorite” based on audience votes and a panel of judges. Winning submission will receive a $100 prize. The top three plays (according to overall votes) will receive a one year subscription to Play Submission Helper (


Happy writing and thanks for your consideration, Funky Little Theater Company. 

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